Saturday, May 18, 2019

How an Influence campaign will work

I expect massive amounts to be spent on this election. I already see outlines on how.

Friday Morning I woke up hearing a lecture on what is happening with the 2020 election, which continues what happened with the 2018 and 2016 elections. We know the Russians successfully hacked 2 Florida Counties. The FBI forced the Governor to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement. The FBI is saying that the Election officials in Florida were the victims, despite the obvious reality that it is the voters of those counties who are the real victims and the election officials involved are supposed to be proxies for we the Citizens. It seems that the FBI has absorbed Trumpian corruption. NDAs?? A Governor? [More on Florida]

The Russians are not our only enemy. Trump seems to be shutting down investigations into Russian penetration into our elections. I suspect that is because they are now subcontractors to the Republicans.

They will be playing on Fears

  • Dividing the electorate
  • Individual Feedback
  • Kompromat on both friends and enemies to paralyze enemies and ensure compliance of friends.
  • Bribes are not only a means to buy compliance and acquiescence but become material for extortion (Kompromat)
  • Defamation, propaganda doesn't need to be true to be effective. All it needs to do is to create doubt in the minds of allies and enemies alike. The goal is to get people to turn on each other. Like we did on Hillary.
  • False Flags, Wars, events, all used to distract from paying attention to what is important.
  • Controlled opposition, you can buy some opponents to attack common enemies. For example communists have regularly been used to take out Democrats for their ostensible enemies. When working through cutouts, your asset doesn't even have to know he's being used as one.

I heard a longer lecture as I was waking up, but this summarizes the material a little. We Democrats have to launch impeachment hearings, to get the word out. But expecting the Senate to impeach is a dream. We can't expect fair elections next year. We can't expect our coalition to hold together on its own. Our enemies aim to divide us. If that doesn't work, they are already cheating.

In Power

Once in power, influence acquires force of law. Expect Trump to prosecute democrats and critics and to use such prosecutions to defame and tarnish the credibility of critics.

  • Political Prosecutions
  • "leaks" of dirt, lies, deep fakes and misinformation about opponents.
  • Funding, instigating and encouraging refocusing of criticism onto leading opponents. [Now happening with Pelosi].

Most of this I heard in my head as I woke up as a kind of "lecture dream" [My subconscious talking to me] on 5/18/2019. I woke up hearing the rest today. 6/15/2019

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