Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Collated Madness

It sounds so logical, rational, possible
all organized, sorted, separated by page;
Eacb copy is all stacked for binding,
Like a book intended for the ages;
Each page is in neat type,
A clear script making your mad case;
Repeating to your angry followers;

"Kill the black man!
Hang him high!
Throw his body into the sea!
Send him to Kenya!
He's not our guy!"

You have your own universe of media.
Crowds flying banners,
Patriots preaching treason.
Preaching fealty to the constitution
While practicing subversion.
Subversives calling lies,
"Fair and Ballanced," for all to see.

And you repeat to your angry followers,
She is guilty!
Hang her high!
Throw her body in the sea!"

Waves of fat old men,
Riffles in hand, tin foil hats.
Led by blind old men,
Wearing tricornered hats,
Dangling tea bags.
You preach to your lynch mob!
Old and well fed, 
young and missing teeth.
"Save the children!"
"Stop the death panels!"
You shout;
"Stop the world, I want to get off."
"I'll give you the best health!, believe me!"
"We'll make America Great Again"
"We'll drain the swamp!"
And they believe you.

Call & response 
to your angry followers;
"Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Don't be too gentle!
Hang them high!
Throw their bodies into the sea!"

The slogans sound so logical, plausible.
A lifetime Con sure knows the swamp.
"Drain the swamp!" You say!
And proceed to drain everything,
Through a sieve.
And into your back pocket!
You talk so much of unborn children.
Your followers actually think you care!

And the call and response 
On immigrant children;
They are rapists and murderors!
They don't send us their best!
We want machine guns on the border.
We will make of them an example!"

You take suckling babies
from their mothers,
And send them for adoption.
And when women are raped,
Forced birth.

Meanwhile you loot and destroy,
And fire anyone who won't bow to you.
You give family members lucrative contracts.
And steal everything not well nailed down.
Your party no longer sounds rational.
And you have done evil,
That makes no sense.

Christopher H. Holte 12/8/2020

I started this a long time ago. Wrote most of it before 2016.  There is more in my head, but I wanted to transcribe the paper while it was fresh.

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