Showing posts with label Policing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Policing. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Scrutiny and the Courts

Thousands of U.S. judges who broke laws or oaths remained on the bench

In a research article published by Reuters: ( They report on how too many judges at state and local level have been given immunity, impunity and passes to commit crimes themselves. Worse their victims have found it nearly impossible to get compensation or accountability when they've been clearly harmed by the behavior of the judges. The article sums itself as follows:

Friday, June 26, 2020

Reform Emergency Response to get Community Policing & Communities

Reform Emergency Response.

I've been listening to people talk about reforming the police and they all have good ideas. Some want to simply defund the police – even eliminate them – One twitter friend says [same as me].

"We need REAL police reform:

  • no outta town cops
  • no guns unless SWAT
  • no shooting suspects in the back
  • no military assault gear
  • no qualified immunity"

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Community Policing is a requirement

The Constitution Demands Community Policing

When Police Function as Occupying Armies

This recent extralegal murder of George Floyd illustrates the viciousness of police as standing armies. Again.
The police function was originally part of the schema of the Militia. The Declaration of independence is, among other things, a complaint against "standing armies", "pretend courts" and the tyranny of uniformed personnel enforcing law in an arbitrary manner. They argued for local government, democracy, which requires policing of, by and for, the local citizens.

Thus the framers of the constitution argued for community policing. The virtue of this argument was undermined by the viciousness of class, race & religious bigotry. The universal principles in the constitution argue for this. 

Broken Glass Theory
The original Atlantic Article on "Broken Glass Theory" was deliberately misinterpreted, because it too argued for resourcing community policing.

The Constitution And Community Policing

The founders had some fundamental splits, but all of them saw the militia as the a key resource in the security and safety of United States. They saw militia as the Palladium of Liberty, both a bullwark against invasion and a tool for avoiding standing armies and tyranny. For more see:

The United States Congress uses the militia passages in Article one of the Constitution to justify our Military Academies, Army, 2 year horizons for appropriations, and appointments to the Officer corps. But the core of the militia clauses, the militia, has been lost, or associated with the National Guard. This is rather like how the post office clause of the Constitution has spun off UPS, Railroads, Airlines, Toll Roads, Telephony and the internet, yet somehow remains relegated to mail and small parcels. Both of these constitutional organizations had one vision originally, and a distorted image currently. Our authorities want privateering government that serves separate advantage. This attacks basic principles of commonwealth & Republicanism, as fundamental principle.

Commonwealth according to Locke

Commonwealth as Antidote to Tyranny

I started this post a while ago. But while the basic idea is premised on an understanding of the relationship between militia and police and professional police and occupying Armies, getting this across to people has been difficult. But you can't have a democratic republic at a federal level without local democracy. Volunteer fire, rescue, HS & Police are vital componant of a functional republic. They should be compensated Federally when they serve the country locally.

Definitions related to Democratic Republicanism