- I was wondering where the lioness went.
- Now I know.
- I hadn't seen you stalking your foes
- Nor sunning yourself in green trees.
- I was afraid you might be ill or wounded.
- and that life might have brought you to your knees.
- But I needed not worry about you at all.
- I was wondering where the Lioness went.
- Now I know.
- You didn't leave the war
- Nor did you let go of the scent,
- You didn't stop stalking Your enemies,
- or run away from your duties.
- But you sought a quiet place
- to make a statement of hope for us all.
- I was wondering where the Lioness went.
- Now I know.
- You made a statement of love with your mate.
- And chose to step away from confusion and hate.
- To find a quiet warm place, well protected and safe.
- Where you could exercise your faith
- and give birth to a child of great hope.
- And in the process maybe save us all?
- I was wondering where the lioness went.
- Now I know
- She emerges from her quiet dark lair
- With a little lion cub at her side.
- No lioness would ever run and hide.
- Unless it was important to you.
- In nurturing the future
- and living in the present.
- You do what is important to do.
- Thank God for people with the courage inside,
- to carry on from the heart for the future.
- I have no doubts this cub will one day run and play
- And take her place in the great game of life.
- Christopher H. Holte, July 10, 2015
- Thinking of my friend Christine Dillon Strickland and her daughter -- and her granddaughter.
Thoughts on politics, economics, life and creative works from the author including poetry
Friday, July 10, 2015
The Lioness
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Anyone surprised that Exxon knew about climate change in 1981?
Exxon knew of climate change in 1981. Funded climate change deniers to manage the information.
Alternet reports:
- http://www.alternet.org/environment/exxon-knew-climate-change-1981-email-says-it-funded-deniers-27-more-years?sc=fb
- The Pirate cares not
- for the dying sailors
- as the ship he sank
- Sinks below the Sea
- What he may rue
- is not the slick from the ship,
- but that it sank
- before he could loot it.
- Christopher H Holte, 7/9/2015
The Pirate
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
The Cons Lament
Star Haiku
- Saving up the daylight
- Storing up the sun.
- What a wonder the stars are
- when the day is done.
Not 3 lines, not 5,7,5 syllables either.
- Daylight storing sun.
- Such a Wonder have become!
- Stars, When day is done.
Going Greek on the Whole World
Turning the World into Greece
While I was writing my last post ["TISA mroe scary than TPP]I did a search for Ben Beachy and the wikileaks articles and I got 10 pages of ads. I had to spend about 10 minutes getting past google and refine my search terms to get an actual search. Wonder why? It's probably because Google, Netflix, Bing, Microsoft, etc... are writing TISA. Anyway here is the text of the public citizen News Release with my comments:
It would be helpful if policymakers acted with some recognition that the 2008-2009 financial crisis actually occurred. It shouldn’t be hard. In the United States alone, nearly $20 trillion in wealth was lost, between lost output and lost home equity; unemployment peaked at 10 percent; millions of families lost their homes. The situation was worse in much of the world, with severe problems continuing in many countries, notably in Europe."
On the contrary the interests who are writing TISA with the support of revolving Door Trade Representatives learned from the Financial Meltdown that they can get away with three part frauds:
- First stage is to use the money supply and advertising to turn some commodity (such as real estate) into a leveraged bubble. Sell debt with promises of riches by making people think they are buying homes, businesses, or going to make a lot of money.
- Second Stage, use financial derivatives to bet against those people achieving their riches.
- Third Stage, foreclose on the poor rubes who bought into the first stage of the Fraud.
- Common Dreams is reacting to a News Release from Public Citizen:
- http://www.citizen.org/documents/press-release-tisa-leak-july-2015.pdf
- Read the Article at Common Dreams:
- http://www.commondreams.org/news/2015/07/02/tisa-leaks-part-deux-more-evidence-concerted-attack-democracy?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=socialnetwork
- http://ec.europa.eu/trade/policy/policy-making/analysis/sustainability-impact-assessments/assessments/
- Previous post: [http://holtesthoughts.blogspot.com/2015/07/tisa-even-more-scary-than-tpp.html]
They are using this method in country after country to practice a sort of financialized neo-liberalism. Instead of:
"Learning from the crisis means not repeating the deregulatory and non-enforcement mistakes that led up to it. Yet a secret international trade agreement, the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA), threatens to adopt and impose a global financial deregulatory standard."
The Service Industry doesn't see the meltdown as a mistake. It was a highly successful swindle that left the swindlers billionaires. The only thing the financial services industry and it's little toys (companies owning telephone, internet, roads, bridges, infrastructure, software, etc...) have learned from the financial meltdown is that burning off real wealth by mixing it with paper wealth is a great way to acquire assets and shift ownership of real wealth to themselves while punishing victims such as homeowners in the USA or little colonial enterprises like Greece.
Almost nobody guilty went to jail. No billionaires were forced to return their treasure, the chests were buried in offshore beaches and pirate havens, for later retrieval and now they have a tried and true method to extract wealth from all over the earth and accumulate power to themselves. They can do all this, and then come in and pose as saviors, piling on more debt by loaning people their own money at interest to pay the interest on the money they were loaned at interest that they couldn't pay before. They can enslave a few politicians and use them to enslave the whole world. That is the lesson this industry learned. And TISA is another round of laws that will provide all the loopholes they need to keep doing this cycle til they can declare themselves a world aristocracy formally.
Rubin and his disciples, playing the left and Friedman, Greenspan and his disciples playing the right, perfected this sort of privateering corrupt regulation in the name of de-regulation starting in the 70's. In a free-booting world you can bet on anything. Exchange rates, whether businesses will fail, etc... and if you are savvy you can make money from other folks money and other folks failure. Even better people will welcome you as a savior when you spread the money around. When a person is desperate for money they will take any terms on a loan. And when you are unscrupulous you can always find public officials to Greece, especially if you can saddle the public with those loans. Banks loan people their own money and they are grateful for it. But the key is, to get laws changed and make it all nice and legal. TISA will be a letter of Marquee for modern piracy worldwide just as de-regulation provided such letters for Enron and even crazier frauds..
"Our analysis of a leaked version of the draft agreement, along with a draft annex on financial services, identifies threats to rules and policies ranging from limits on overall bank size to consumer protections, from prophylactic protections against new speculative financial instruments to limits on transfers of personal financial data."
Of course.
"It is unimaginable that such an agreement is under negotiation while the global economy is still recovering from the most severe crisis since the Great Depression, and while Greece and other countries are still reeling from developments related to the crisis."
"Yet, thanks to the publication of the TISA texts by WikiLeaks, we know that such negotiations are in fact underway."
Once you understand that the giant banksters got away with it. It is not only imaginable, but not a surprise at all.
"Post-crisis, the United States and countries around the world have tightened their domestic financial regulations, imposing somewhat tougher restraints on Wall Street and financial centers around the world. TISA is an effort by Wall Street and its global counterparts to undo those positive steps in a forum absolutely closed to the public."
Actually the United States has had trouble implementing reforms. And with TISA they won't be able to.
"To analyze the TISA text is to see that negotiators are ignoring the lessons from the financial crisis, and to see how vital it is to shine a light on the secret TISA negotiations. These leaks show that it is imperative for TISA negotiators to suspend their efforts, publish all texts under negotiations and not resume until there is a proper public debate about their radical deregulatory maneuvers."
The "New World Order" is not the Right Wing or Left Wing fantasy. Just international piracy involving Kochs, Republicans, and the wealthy of all advertised ideologies; and it works through trade agreements like TISA.
TISA even more scary than TPP
The Trade In Services Agreement (TISA)
The Trade In Services Agreement is designed to "fix" some problems with previous trade agreements from the Point of view of the corporations involved. The Service Coalition Board says about it [https://servicescoalition.org/negotiations/trade-in-services-agreement] in their "What is TISA section;
"The Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) is the most promising opportunity in two decades to improve and expand trade in services. Initiated by the United States and Australia, the TISA is currently being negotiated in Geneva, Switzerland with 51 participants that represent 70 percent of the world's trade in services."
Privateering on an International Level
But that says very little. The reality is that, as always, the devil is in the details. And the details are of more neo-liberal ideology seeking to give impunity and immunity to international corporations by shifting governing powers from local government to these for the private, separate gain public corporations.
"As WikiLeaks puts it, the regulations together create "international legal regime which aims to deregulate and privatize the supply of services—which account for the majority of the economy across TISA countries."
This is privateering on an international level. Treaties like this are pirate treaties promising to turn the World Trade Organization into the Confederate Corporations of the World. That might be an improvement over the current chaotic oligarchy but it is the institution of hierarchical oligarchy and the institutionalization of wealth and power into rulership. It won't end war or solve hunger, but it will give more power to the already powerful for their separate enjoyment as they fly over the rest of us.
Common Dreams, an Anti TISA Website reports:
"As with Wednesday's documents, Thursday's batch of texts reveals 'a concerted attempt to place restrictions on the ability of participating governments to regulate services sectors, even where regulations are necessary to protect the privacy of domestic populations, the natural environment or the integrity of public services,' WikiLeaks declares." [http://www.commondreams.org/news/2015/07/02/tisa-leaks-part-deux-more-evidence-concerted-attack-democracy?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=socialnetwork]
The website goes on to list initial negotiating companies, but the says:
"TiSA is based on the WTO's General Agreement on Trade in Services ( GATS ), which involves all WTO members. This means that if enough WTO members join, TiSA could be turned into a broader WTO agreement and its benefits extended beyond the current participants." [http://ec.europa.eu/trade/policy/in-focus/tisa/]
Common Dreams alleges that:
"the corporate aim [is] to use TISA to further limit the public interest regulatory capacity of democratically elected governments."
They then quote Ben Beachy:
"TISA would expand deregulatory 'trade' rules written under the advisement of large banks before the financial crisis, requiring domestic laws to conform to the now-rejected model of extreme deregulation that led to global recession."
—Ben Beachy, Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch
What is TISA?
The services in question "relate to regulation of financial services, e-commerce, telecommunication, and maritime transport." These are powerful public services, many of which are within the public realm and are vital services that are also natural monopolies. They have to be regulated or they tend to be run as feudal kingdoms.
De-regulating them would put some of them back in the state they were in the 19th century and would allow 19th century style impunity and immunity for newer services like e-commerce and telecommunications, both of which are extensions and modernizations of the concept behind the Post Office and have traditionally been associated with the Post Office and been so important and powerful that they demand their own organ of government out of reach of both legislature and post office under normal circumstances. Deregulating them creates a power that is part of rule and gives it to private individuals, establishing kings.
The Euro folks said:
"Like any other trade negotiations, the TiSA talks are not carried out in public and the documents are available to participants only." [http://ec.europa.eu/trade/policy/in-focus/tisa/]
Like with TPP I've been hoping that the Wikileaks were premature and the allegations were going to be proved false but it seems that the secrecy that is still around TISA should be a warning that the allegations are liable to be true. Nobody goes to such extremes to hide a treaty unless there is something sketchy about it. This sort of thing goes all the way back to the Jay Treaty, which the Washington Administration tried to keep secret because they knew it would infuriate many Americans.
...more on this in my next post "Going Greek on the Whole World" [http://holtesthoughts.blogspot.com/2015/07/going-greek-on-whole-world.html].
- Common Dreams is reacting to a News Release from Public Citizen:
- http://www.citizen.org/documents/press-release-tisa-leak-july-2015.pdf
- Read the Article at Common Dreams:
- http://www.commondreams.org/news/2015/07/02/tisa-leaks-part-deux-more-evidence-concerted-attack-democracy?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=socialnetwork
- http://ec.europa.eu/trade/policy/policy-making/analysis/sustainability-impact-assessments/assessments/
Bed is Good
- Sleep, is the filing cabinet for life:
- organizing our dreams;
- settling our cares.
- Sharing our fears with the past.
- Sleep, is where we put away yesterday;
- Store what is worth keeping
- Stow away what we can't carry.
- And dump it in the ocean of chaotic things.
- Awake, we can live another day.
- Christopher H. Holte 7/7/2015