Checks and Balances
For any Economic System to be functional, it needs to have both top down forms and controls. It needs Checks and Balances. And it also needs bottom up forms and controls (Ordinary Courts, Representation, Juries). Key to the success of such forms is a well educated and informed citizenry, and the kinds of checks and balances that prevent people from straying outside their lanes of excellence. Key to the success of an economic system is that it achieves the properties of a commonwealth. It has to serve the interests of all the people living within it, starting with majorities. To make any changes to our national and world economy sustainable they have to be institutionalized in a way that gives the right folks power while limiting the ability of folks to game, usurp or achieve too much power. Thus the issue is how we constitute our economy and how we execute that constitution.
This post is about some of the necessary Checks and Balances.