Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Samson Strategy

The Republicans are pursuing the Samson policy.
You should know the story.  Samson was a Nazirine. He wasn't supposed to cut his hair, which gave him supernatural strength. But he also was a lothario who loved the ladies. His enemies, the Philistines, were neighbors of his clan of Dan, & he was seduced by Delilah, who cut his hair to take his power. They imprisoned him in their Temple. At last, after much tearful prayer, and time for his hair to regrow. He got his power back, and still chained to two key pillars, pulled the temple down!
The Trumper party, formerly known as Repubicans, are pulling the temple down!
In response from cries, from economists & citizens, that our economy & lives are in danger from COVID19. The democrats put a package together to help States, workers & small business.
Grimm Reaper McConnell, announced it is "Dead on arrival!"
The threat [not risk, it is happening], is of the cascading effects of 3 preexisting economic conditions combined with the effects of the virus, [& Trump's destructive & stupid response] in forcing self quarantines & shutdowns.
1. Major businesses are saddled with too much debt [leverage].
2. Much of retail was already having trouble dealing with the growth of online retail.
3. Our infrastructure is vulnerable.
These things plus stupid governors & POTUS = cascading failures.
They think they can reopen the country & it will rebound economically.  But, what they are doing will cause cascading failures.
If Truckers can't drive, for being sick, they can't drive. If factories have no healthy workers, they will close again. If workers aren't paid, they can't buy. If States have no money they will no longer be able to operate safely & people will die for lack of Emergency workers & Healthcare.
Trump is pulling down the temple.

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