Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Our Democratic Movement is NOT a Totalitarian Movement

To Defeat an enemy, one has to correctly identify that enemy. One also has to identify what one is fighting for. I constantly hear the refrain that we Democrats are "Just as bad as the GOP", that we are "war-mongers" because we support a strong foreign policy and relationships around the world. Or that we are corrupt.

We are strong because we "fight for true representation", in solidarity and together.

Towards a More Perfect Union

I admit the vision of Democracy in the United States is an imperfect and incomplete one. I admit there is a lot of room for improvement in our Democratic party. But I want to refute the assertion of false equivalence. I also want to refute the destructive notion that somehow rupturing our Democratic Coalition is the answer to our countries problems. But it starts with principles. Our party is susceptible to the pull of totalitarian thinking, but so are the authoritarian movements that despise it. The difference between a progressive democrat and a progressive who opposes the Democratic party is that we democrats understand the need to work together, to "play together", "share the playground" and work in solidarity. We take seriously what Hannah Arendt said back in 1947:

“While the people in all great revolutions fight for true representation, the mob will always shout for the “strong man,” the “great leader.” [Trump's Mob]

We are Not: Tyrants, A Mob, Warmongers or Corrupt.

“tyranny is the exercise of power beyond right, which nobody can have a right to; and this is making use of the power any one has in his hands, not for the good of those who are under it, but for his own private, separate advantage.” [For more see: definitions]

We are not the mob. Our party is not against wealth, only it's excess and it's misuse. We are not corporatists, but neither are we against corporations as such. We are against corporations that are run in a tyrannical and exclusive manner. We have elements within our party who think we can achieve our common goals by working within the corporate system, and elements devoted to defeating their worst designs. We understand that we are dealing with imperfect institutions and people. We also understand that it is in everyone's collective best interest to make our system work better. We don't deny the power of collective action. Neither do we deny individual initiative. Nor do we worship the Baal Peor Wall Street Bull, or other warmed over pagan concepts.

We have corrupt people and superbly virtuous people in our party, but our party is not corrupt. It is what we make it. What makes it the "Democratic Party" is when it has the attributes of Democracy -- rule by the people. And because we:

  • are busy, struggling with each other, working with each other in solidarity,
  • developing our individual and collective virtues by practicing democracy for the general good

Therefore -- we will never be a totalitarian movement.

We don't believe that there is a conflict between science and religion, spirituality and common sense. We know we can bridge any issues that we encounter if we struggle together in a spirit of common good will.

Fighting the Evil of Totalitarianism

Some people want to call beliefs they don't like evil. We prefer to understand it using both science and reason.

Others want to normalize "evil" by denying it's place. The ancient term "evil" is unscientific, so scientifically oriented doctors have come up with terms like mental illness, disease syndromes, and other terms to try to move evil from "superstitio" to science.

Basically "evil" is behaviors and systems of interactions that cause suffering and discomfort; i.e. disease. So if one strips the myths and false causes from disease one can agree that disease is caused, in the general sense by evil. And evil is a function of deluded and diseased behavior. Those who are hurting hurt others. Those who are hurting others need to be stopped. Hence one fights evil with both medicine, healthy systems and society and by stopping those who are communicating their own disease.

For example, a person with an addiction is not innately evil. At the same time, the addicted person often behaves very vilely. So while the person is an addict, they are "evil" in their behavior, often their attitudes, and the fruit of their actions. So evil is an appropriate shorthand, as long as one understands its cause and treatment. And when there is little to be done to change sick behavior and those people are so harmful to themselves and others that to not stop them leads to the harm being multiplied, then such people can be said to be "evil." In my Previous post I quoted a writer named Ziehl about Donald Trump's narcissism:

"not curable and it’s barely treatable. He is who he is. There is no getting better, or learning, or adapting. He’s not going to “rise to the occasion” for more than maybe a couple hours. So just put that out of your mind." [Ziehl]

So Narcissists like Trump, like it or not, are basically evil people not because of some devilish possession but because their sickness leads them to behave in ways that harm others and transmit their own fear, anger, hate, dis-ease, to others.

Stopping Mob Behavior with Democratic Movement

We can stop Authoritarian Mob behavior by building inclusive institutions and solidarity between people. To accomplish this we have to build our party into the best party it can be. That means:

  1. Electronic Democracy to enable and guide local democratic clubs and party organizations to function better
  2. Employing the Athenian principle of dokimasia (δοκιμασία): to vet candidates before they run for office
  3. Employing the Athenian principle of Euthune (εὐθύνη, εὔθυναι) Accounting to review performance of officials at end of term.
  4. Employing principle of Democratic Subsidiarity to mobilize local democracy and energize the party
  5. Recruit young folks, train and turn them loose!


Related Articles:

Friday, January 13, 2017

Trump's GOP Totalitarian Movement and Totalitarian Propaganda

Totalitarian Propaganda

In her book "Origins of Totalitarianism (page 341-342) Hannah Arendt notes (full quote at bottom):

"Whenever totalitarianism possesses ... control, it replaces propaganda with indoctrination and uses violence not so much to frighten people ... as to realize its ideological doctrines and its practical lies."

For example, when such a regime is asserting that "unemployment does not exist, it will abolish unemployment benefits as part of its propaganda."

Realizing Doctrine Thru oppression

Sarcastically H Arendt noted that such legislation realizes the old "socialist doctrine" that "He who does not work shall not eat."

With the repeal of ACA, we see how Rubio, and his fellow flying monkeys, by cutting off subsidies to insurance companies designed to take high risk/high cost people off of the uninsured roles, were able to make ACA prohibitively expensive for people who might otherwise have been able to afford it.

Rubio's Poison Pill

Thus with a "poison pill" piece of legislation they have made it appear that they realized their ideological doctrines and 'practical lies.' Abolishing the "risk corridors" is part of them forcing the appearance of reality of their ideology, by sabotaging the public good, which otherwise would not apply as they claim it does. They are now using Rubio's Poison pill as an excuse to abolish ACA all together. Abusive legislation is designed to make the target fail. And abusive legislation is part of a totalitarian approach to propaganda. If things don't work the way your ideology says they should work, then you sabotage the alternative.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Trump and the Narcissist Flying Monkey Pyramid

Trumpenführer is a classic narcissist. Not being a psychologist or psychiatrist I had to read about him. Unfortunately for me I'd started reading about the subject in the context of other narcissists and violent persons, before Trump ever moved into the limelight. Indeed I paused in writing about the subject because I never thought he'd get elected.

Attributes of Narcissistic Personality Disorder Map to High Social Dominance Orientation (EMAD)

Monday, December 26, 2016

Til the Black Maria's Roll

We'll deal with it my friend...
...til the Black Marias roll
We'll be together til the end
Til they take us where we go.
The mob shouted! The mob clamored!
Like wolves shouting for a leader!
To lead them into the promised land
They wanted blood to spill
For their Trumpenführer's enemies they wanted ill
and heads to roll!
Now he struts and gesticulates like a bantam cock
With hair that dances like an orange sock.
And tiny hands
The wolves can agree only one thing
That he is their fearless leader.
It saves him from becoming chicken stock.
My friends say to each other "we'll petition and fight!"
We'll fight this evil and set things right!
Yes we'll march and demonstrate til the Black Marias Roll
We'll march and demonstrate til the Black Marias roll
Til the Black Maria's roll my friend
Til the black Maria's roll.
We'll fight together until the end
Til the Black Maria's Roll
They made him their leader, this bantam Rooster!
His chin thrust out, the crowd gives a shout!
And he is our new fearless leader!
The soldiers march and the cheerleaders cheer
And the crowds are so happy,
their new leader is here!
"We'll make America Great Again!
The crowds shout out Jail her!
They shout for blood!
They'll make our country great again!
But the corrupt status quo must go!
We'll make our country hate again!
And all who oppose us must go!
And only his mob are allowed to cast a ballot!
He shouts; "the election is rigged"
and he makes sure it is!
The ballots are stuffed!
Her voters are cuffed.
Her voters are not allowed to vote!
The votes are in, he won the election!
Though more votes were cast for her!
If her voters hadn't been allowed to cast a vote!
then he'd have won by a landslide!
The votes are in, he won the election!
Though the reality was his win was a selection!
And his wolves have won by stealing the election!
"We'll Make America Great Again!"
He appoints Generals to his staff
He warns all who criticize him not to laugh
He blusters and threatens and warns and tells the world
America should be afraid!
"And I'm the only one who can save it.
And they swear him in.
He will build a wall, he says, he does.
What he doesn't tell us
is the wall is to keep us in.
He says he'll do something about Muslims, terrorism and fear.
What he doesn't tell us that he needs that terrorism and fear
to keep fearful people following him.
Fear makes people afraid.
And so the black Maria's roll
Now the Black Marias are rolling my friend!
They are rolling across the country!
Picking up Immigrants, Muslims, Women and Children
Filling the black Maria's in the night.
and taking them to black sites
never again to be seen.
They follow that registry down to the last name.
They pick them up based on suspicion and secret evidence.
And once they have them they are never the same
Because of where the black Marias Go.
Wearing a hood, til the questioning begins.
Every kind of torture, no recourse, no trial
And we are so efficient, no mass graves.
Just never to be found.
It started with Muslims and Latino immigrants.
But soon lefties, dissidents and reporters too
They'd pay a bounty for each crew
Based on how many people they'd take.
So this became a business
Driving the Black Maria Crews.
So we march and demonstrate
We call for a new vote and file protests in court
And the officials laugh at us and take our names.
And dismiss our efforts as silly games
At least in public, but our name hits their list
When the black Maria's roll
we'll make our stand
behind barricades hand in hand
We'll endure bullets and bombs
And we'll be together til the end
til they take us where they go.

Christopher H. Holte, 12/26/2016

I pray this is not prophetic.


When Humans Act like Dogs (1/19/2017)


It's going to be a dark night
I dread the setting sun.
A winter coming of dread & fear
A Hot summer of sirens & doors knocked down
I can't understand humans
When we people act like dogs
When we gather in packs
tear victims to shreds.
& fight over scraps.
But I'd rather be a human
Then act like a pig.
I won't wallow in the muddy swamp
Or let fear keep me down.
I'll soldier on
Til the dawn of morning light
And I'll sigh in relief
When people are humans again

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Rogue One: The Real New Hope

The new movie "Rogue one", is a "prequil" to the first Star Wars Movie ever made. And a fitting follow up to the third movie in the series. I can see why the Right Wing proto totalitarians hate the movie Rogue one. It talks about things not in fashion anymore. It is worth seeing folks!

If you haven't seen it yet, then stop here and go see it.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016


The good news
Is today's our darkest day
& tomorrow will be easier
& light a little more.
Without the dark
There'd be no definition
Of good.

Christopher H. Holte, 12/21/2016

Monday, December 19, 2016

The Fan

I met a fan
I did not know I had.
She came to me
while I was sleeping
She told me she loved my poems
and works
And that they were very much worth keeping
She was all light and smiles
And told me how
My darkest poems had inspired her!
And she sent her baby
To where i lay
It walked over to me!
What a smile!
All lights and shines!
it lit up my soul!
The future is in such hands.
I held her for a moment
She smiled back up to me
Then I sent her back to her mother!
And they were gone.
I heard her in my heart.
We can do it if we try
We can transform this land
Indeed there are angels within, among us! Us!
We have to shine hope
We have to shine love.
We can learn to understand
Hope can spread through out this land
We have to be angels
To those we love.
That vision of that baby's smile
Is warmth that won't fade
I think it will warm us for a while
And that baby I saw
Will grow to a woman
Who, like her mother,
Will do wonderful things
With her smile.
Life won't be defeated
If we choose life!

Christopher Hartly Holte