Saturday, June 20, 2015

Review of "A Tale of Two Cities"

The New York Times has the following article:

A Tale of Two Cities, in 1886, and Events That Shaped a State []

I've been writing about Henry George because I'm in love with the man's thinking. Not necessarily his economics so much as his ethical thinking. That being said I'm not the only one learning from him.

The Author is reviewing a Book by Professor O’Donnell and writes:

“Professor O’Donnell, who teaches history at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass., writes that by transplanting himself from California to New York, George gained a national forum for his “single tax” on property, which was fundamental to his platform.” [Events That Shaped a State]

The author is mostly interested in the navel gazing history of New York City, but sure enough Henry George had the chutzpah to take on both the Tammany Hall machine, the unstoppable Teddy Roosevelt, and the City of New York. The result was a loss for George. Now if George had thrown in with a coalition with Teddy Roosevelt Roosevelt would have won. Which brings us to the present when we have Bernie Sanders running as a Democrat. We've learned that democracy in the United States starts with people fighting to build coalitions:

“Representative Abram Hewitt, a Democrat and pro-labor industrialist, won with 90,552 votes over George, who took 68,110 as the candidate for the United Labor Party. In third place with 60,435 votes was a 28-year-old Republican, former Assemblyman Theodore Roosevelt. George’s supporters claimed that the election was stolen by Tammany bosses (who would have had to appropriate only 14 votes at each of 812 polling sites).” [Events That Shaped a State]

Tammany Hall was eventually destroyed by an insurgency within the Democratic party culminating with Robert Kennedy defeating Tammany Hall in 1966. (see Archived Article)
“Tammany had earlier tried to buy George with a seat in Congress. Why would they, he asked, if the Democrats figured he couldn’t win anyway?” [Events That Shaped a State]

It takes Moxy to beat a Machine. And both Bobby Kennedy and Henry George Had it:

“You cannot be elected,” William M. Ivins, the city chamberlain supposedly said, “but your running will raise hell!” [Events That Shaped a State]

But nobody can do it alone. If George had had followers and fellow travelers with the same dedication and moxy he had, he might have gotten even further. Even so he fought Tammany Hall and set the stage for others to do so successfully later.

“To which George replied, “I do not want the responsibility and work of the office of the Mayor of New York, but I do want to raise hell!” And he did.” [Events That Shaped a State]

The article also talks about Gouverneur Morris and his attitude towards common folks:

“That diversity was reflected in Gouverneur Morris, who “expressed disrespect or even contempt for New York’s common people at the same time he was risking his life and welfare to write a constitution that would keep them safe and free,”

Democracy and Good government in the United States has always been a bottom up struggle. I make the case that they are one and the same. The Morrises, their allies and frenemies, tried to transplant the Sea Dog Aristocracy of Britain to the Colonies along with it's con artist secret corruption and private, separate advantage. Not so much consciously, but simply because of their selfishness. On the other hand people like Henry George...

“and James Fenimore Cooper, who chronicled the unfettered life and other noble causes while criticizing abolitionists, and Thomas E. Dewey, a Republican who championed civil rights, environmental protection and great public works like the New York Thruway.”

stood up for and uplifted common folks, and at the same time fought corruption in all it's immoral forms.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Cup Glowing in the Dark

The cup is glowing in the dark.
What an amazing thing.
I don't know if I'm hallucinating.
Or the cup is made with radium.
All I know is that I've been poisoned.
And the whole world is poisoned too.
And I am standing here making a libation
when I really don't know what to do.
I don't have any other tools.
We protest and march, Kayak and bark.
And the Powers ignore us on a good day.
Meanwhile the cup is glowing right in front of me.
and that glow isn't in a good way.
Will my skeleton glow when they lay me to my rest?
Will any pure places remain, where life can take refuge?
Do they really mean to contaminate everyone and everything?
are they really such fools?

Christopher H. Holte, 6/16/2015

Monday, June 15, 2015

Scaling up "the Jungle" -- Trashing Food Safety Laws

Ultimately food safety enforcement requires Point of Origin Laws. But at the moment we can't even enforce Country of Origin laws because of the power of the corrupt World Trade Organization Courts (WTC) and existing international regimes. If we continue to pass bad trade bills this will only get worse. The International of Giant Multinationals seem to be aiming at a regime of weak overall world government, strong but corrupt courts, and chaos at the State (national) level to maximize their own power and Influence. This should look familiar.

In the 19th Century Giant US companies used the same strategy on a national Scale. Powerful companies using States against one another, packing the courts, the Senate before we changed how it was elected and buying or owning officials of a weak United States Government so they could run their own baronies, oppress labor and ship cheap dangerous products around the country. This is the world of Upton Sinclair scaled up to International scale. If we pass the latest round of Trade Agreements we'll be agreeing to an International Jungle of Corrupt Conglomerate rule that would make muckrackers like Upton Sinclair scream from their graves. To read more about Upton Sinclair read:

Thursday, June 11, 2015


For my Brother it was his esophagus,
for my cousin it was his lungs.
For my sister in law it was her pancreas,
for my uncle it was his tongue.
They all went up in smoke.
For some of my relatives it wasn't smoking,
but going into black coal dark caves.
But others of my relatives grew the weed on their farms
And built fortunes on it's addictive charms.
We paid a price for those extractive fortunes.
For my Grandma it was heart lung failure,
She was a Lucky Strike babe.
And she came "a long way Baby" before the smoke killed her.
I watch my son, cough his lungs out every night.
And because he smokes, I know something isn't right.
If he'd gone to war I could rationalize "how brave."
But when he smokes out on my porch,
it's I who have to sweep up the cigarette butts.
After I remind him he's nuts.
I'm deathly afraid he'll go up in smoke,
Before I've taken my final toke.
Christopher H. Holte
Dedicated to that big leafed weed that has no good use other than poisoning things.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Say's Law is a Myth!

In the Book Adam's fallacy, the author, Duncan K. Foley mentions Say's law, defined within as

"that in the aggregate there cannot be chronic excess supply of labor" (boy is that "law" a laugh)

He then makes the even more true observation that the immediate effects of increases in labor productivity is to impose increased costs on labor!

Basically the book "Adam's Fallacy" refutes Say's law and a number of other mythic elements to classical economics!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Go Home To Die

Go home to die,
there is no place to find refuge.
So you might as well die at home.
Cancer awaits some of you.
A slow death from poisoned blood, the rest.
The radiation is in your blood and your chest.
There is no place to run.
Some of you will sicken and fail.
Some of your children will be monsters.
There is no point that you should cry and wail.
The radiation is in your tears and breast.
Life was always short
and the dance must go on.
We dance in our halls near the centers of power.
We dress in finery and put filters on our walls.
We light our homes with your misery
and heat our rooms with the fire of your suffering.
And we count the numbers from billing you
for lighting your homes with your own blood.
Christopher H. Holte 6/7/2015

Reference Youtube report:

Friday, June 5, 2015

Mitigating and Reversing Climate Change

Bernie writes:

“The scientific community has been extremely clear. Climate change is real. Climate change is man-made. And climate change is already causing severe damage in terms of drought, floods, forest fires, rising sea levels and extreme weather disturbances.” []

And if we want to reverse it, we have to do a variety of things that are based on science. We can't do like the Republicans are doing.

“....virtually all of my Republican colleagues continue to ignore the scientific evidence and refuse to support legislation which will address this planetary crisis.” [climate-change-all-nighter]

Theodore Roosevelt would be spinning in his grave, except he was used to fighting corrupt members of his own party. Even so the GOP has spat on their own history both with their repudiation of respect for the environment, science and their repudiation of the concepts of Abraham Lincoln for becoming a vessel of the heirs of Jefferson Davis. But this is nothing new. TR faced the same quandary 100 years ago.

"Political parties exist to secure responsible government and to execute the will of the people. From these great tasks both of the old parties have turned aside. Instead of instruments to promote the general welfare they have become the tools of corrupt interests, which use them impartially to serve their selfish purposes. Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics, is the first task of the statesmanship of the day." TR Quote

TR's battle is our battle, and reversing climate change is also conserving our environment and mitigating the effects of what is happening do to our poor stewardship of the environment. Reversing climate change doesn't have to be excessively expensive or a great torture. Because the other side of reversing climate change is to move into a sustainable economy that can:

“mov[e] us away from fossil fuels and into energy efficiency and sustainable energy. Doing that will not only help reverse climate change, but can, over a period of years, create millions of good-paying jobs.” [Statement]

It means investing in green energy; solar energy, wind and geothermal energy. It means mitigating the effects of climate change by installing water drainage, storage, conservation and recycling systems into our water use and supply systems. There is money to be made by kickbacks from the fossil fuel extraction.

This post furthers the agenda laid out in the post:
The Common Plank: []
Further Reading on subject from Bernie:
Theodore Roosevelt