Monday, September 7, 2015

Pandora's Dream

A dream can't be killed
Only turned into a nightmare
She dreamed of a world of gifts and love
Anesidora bringing to fruit seeds grown from the ground.
And she was given an urn as a gift.
She opened that urn in all innocence
And furies flew out and all around.
The spirits of hates and thefts and war
Flew into the world once more.
Denying even the hopes she'd longed to give.
She saw them fly away and closed the lid.
But stubborn hope resurrects
And lurks patient and kind beneath the lid
For when the furies have passed.
Don't fear to open that box again!
When it grows quiet at last.
That dream we mortals have
Of a world that is fair and just.
Call it hope, the "American Dream" or just common sense.
They put it in a funeral urn,
But it won't stay there.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Quixotic campaign of Lawrence Lessig

Those of us who are looking at the wreck of the corrupt Con known as Reaganomics and it's half sister parasite that tried to take over the Keynesian movement (Neo or New Keynesianism) know that for 40+ year a multiplicty cons have nearly wrecked the world as well as the economics field. Part of this election's task is to dump the con economic arguments out of our party and restore some sanity to the political debate. The other part is to dump the overt corruption that has taken over much of our political process; the return of yellow journalism, monopolies owning whole networks and corrupt politics as a result of the influence of the monopolists. Lawrence Lessig is a middle tier wealthy lawyer who threw his hat in the race for what he says:

"I'm a ‪#‎winteriscoming‬ sort. I believe, in the words of Tom Mann and Norm Ornstein, that "the country is squandering its economic future and putting itself at risk because of an inability to govern effectively." I believe, moreover, that our "inability to govern" is tied fundamentally to the way we've permitted our representative democracy to be corrupted. It is, in my view, the vast political inequality that we have allowed to creep within our system that produces the systemic failure of our government to be responsive to Americans. (And for the data about that gap, begin with the extraordinary work of Martin Gilens and Ben Page. We will only have a government that works if we address that fundamental political inequality." [HuffPost]

Friday, September 4, 2015

Some History of our Corrupt Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS)

I suppose some Lawyers in training, have to memorize the names of all the SCOTUS Chief Justices who have ever served. If a Professor were to require people to do that I'm sure even the most brilliant lawyer would fail the test unless he had a facility for arcania. On the other hand it is important, to understanding the court, to know that these Justices have never been Saints. Some have been memorable for awful decisions, some for execreable decisions and a few for brilliant ones. In some cases, partisans of arbitrary reasoning have celebrated those decisions for a period of time, only for society to realize years later they were dreck.

Establishing a Timeline Helps sort the dreck from the jewels

I was trying to figure out how SCOTUS could be all over the place, and so in a systematic matter I started fashioning a timeline. Sometimes the court changes when the majority of judges changes, but the SCOTUS always reflects the life and times of it's chief Justice no matter how it's constitution changes who is on it.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Georgist Definitions of Labor, Capital and Land


In trying to figure out what Henry George was talking versus what his many followers say he was saying. I have to look at his definitions, because that is where he starts. He wasn't really using new definitions. But in some cases he was unspinning what most folks were pedalling. In this little exercise I'm going to focus on his three major terms; Land, Labor & Capital In that order.


He defines Land:

"The term land does not simply mean the surface of the earth as distinguished from air and water—it includes all natural materials, forces, and opportunities. It is the whole material universe outside of humans themselves. Only by access to land, from which their very bodies are drawn, can people use or come in contact with nature." [Page 20]


George pretty much dispenses with most of the Bull and defines Labor as such:

"Wages are the portion of production that goes to labor. Therefore, the term wages includes all rewards for such exertion." [Page 18 paragraph 3]

Then he defines wages:

"Wages, in the economic sense, simply means the return for the exertion of labor."

"Whatever is received as the result or reward of exertion is 'wages.'" Henry also had to explain what Labor and wages are not:

"Wages are not drawn from capital. On the contrary, wages are drawn from the product of the labor for which they are paid." [page 18 Wages and Capital]

Wages are drawn from production.

Wealth and Capital

And part of the argument for why wages are drawn from labor, hinges on what Capital is not:

"they claim, without reservation, that capital limits labor. Then they state that capital is stored up or accumulated labor. If we substitute this definition for the word capital, the proposition refutes itself."

If Capital were a store of labor then labor can't come from Capital. The fact that these folks argue this way just shows they were fascists then. The fact they still argue this nonsense in some circles is evidence they are just conning us. But as Henry George notes, the economists and folks advertising for Capitalism aren't precise. He notes:

"The idea of capital, on the other hand, is so beset with ambiguities that it is difficult to determine a precise use of the term." [page 19]

Wealth And Capital

Therefore he starts by saying what Capital is not, drawing on the writings of Adam Smith and other economists.

"nothing properly included as either land or labor can be called capital."

In order to define Capital he has to define "wealth":

"Wealth, then, may be defined as natural products that have been secured, moved, combined, separated, or in other ways modified by human exertion to fit them for the gratification of human desires." [P & P Ch2]


This leads to an economic definition of capital:

"Capital is ... [that] part of wealth—that [is] devoted to aid production." [P & P Ch2]

He further refines that definition to be:

Capital is "wealth in the course of exchange."

That is, it is wealth derived from some sort of production, transformation, etc... that is being used to help produce more wealth.


The reason for these definitions is to help when differentiating between the rules for his Land Value Taxation. If Wages and Capital are to be excluded from taxation -- then we have to be clear what is meant by those terms.

Further Readings

For this essay I'm using mostly "Progress and Poverty" as a source

I tried to reference the following Online version of Progress and Poverty, but I find it's totally different from the book version I have. The below version seems to try to clarify things, but actually obfuscates.

Schalkenbach version:
Related Articles:
Henry George on the Income Tax and Monopoly:
Henry George would have been for Social Security! [funded by LVT]
The Target of progressive taxation and LVT is unearned land rents/income
The Death of Henry George
Spencer versus Locke & Henry George
Review of "A Tale of Two Cities" [in 1886, and Events That Shaped a State]
Virtue and Vice: An Ethical system based on Justice
The 1893 revolt of the Georgists Against Henry George
Economic Rents are private Taxes
The Georgist Constitution
The Following were posts related to Henry George, John Locke and the so-called "libertarians:
Holte's Law applied to Rothbard on LVT
Common Property and the Commons
Commonwealth according to Locke
Libertarians versus Henry George and Marx

I just realized I have enough stuff for a book on Henry George

When the Media is Hostile to the Truth

I've been reading about the 19th century a lot as I continued my delving into our countries actual history in order to un-spin the narrative that I learned in High School and College. In the 1890's reformers had to create their own alternative media because most newspapers were intensely partisan and most were, like Faux news is today, completely unprofessional. If anything the experience has sensitized me to parallels from today. We are facing a hostile media that cannot report anything on progressive issues honestly or without giving "equal" time to RW propaganda.

Kerry gave an excellent speech yesterday. But it wasn't reported well. CNN and CSPAN reported it. NBC spun it. and I'm not sure what the other channels did. But I doubt Fox even mentioned it. The media are playing "Hearst Newspapers" with Iran. In the 1890's when the Hearst family wanted a war -- they and allied papers would hype up what they wanted people to know -- and they'd get their war. The media conglomerates are doing something equally irresponsible now by hyping faulty information about the Iran deal (both here and in Israel) while not covering, or poorly covering information to the contrary.

Media Matters

Media Matters is covering this skewed coverage and notes:

"Media outlets are playing up" a faulty poll "that found a majority of Americans opposed to a deal recently signed by the U.S. and major world powers with Iran, believing it will make the world "less safe." But that poll gave respondents no information about the deal, while other more comprehensive polls have found that when respondents are actually informed about the terms of the deal, a majority support it."

They are doing their best to ensure that nobody, especially the Jewish community in both countries, finds out the real details of the treaty until after the vote.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Mephistopheles and Human Rights

The arguments about what to do in the Middle East are nuanced. Do the wrong thing and this is what you see. Do nothing, the same. The fact our system is corrupt doesn't negate the duty to try to help, or diminish the virtue of when better strategies actually work. But it's hard. Foreign policy requires being Goethe's Dr. Faustus to Mephistopheles. And fundamental darkness is as matched as the power of enlightened thinking. Even when we do the right thing - this is what we might see anyway. But when we do the wrong thing, we are partly culpable in the deaths.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Joseph Stiglitz Slams Bad Economic Models

In a paper by Joseph E. Stiglitz titled; "Towards a General Theory of Deep Downturns" [GenTheory], Joseph Stiglitz lays out what is right and what is wrong about most of current Neo-liberal (Friedmanista) and Neo-Keynesian (he calls it "New" Keynesian) thinking about current economics.

Enormous Hubris!!!

he writes:

"deep downturns have marked capitalist economies since the beginning. It took enormous hubris to believe that the economic forces which had given rise to crises in the past were either not present, or had been tamed, through sound monetary and fiscal policy."


"Those who attempted to defend the failed economic models and the policies which were derived from them suggested that no model could (or should) predict well a “once in a hundred year flood.” But it was not just a hundred year flood—crises have become common. It was not just something that had happened to the economy. The crisis was man‐made—created by the economic system. Clearly, something is wrong with the models." [Stiglitz GT]