Monday, August 21, 2017

Will Trump Create an American East India Company?

Trump is going to give a policy speech tonight. If he promises to keep troops in Afghanistan and the Mideast he'll be doing what every other flaccid spine Politician does to avoid humiliation, with one of these wars. I suspect he has another idea in mind; to privatize the war. Trump is a privateer, and as I wrote previously; Privatization is a tool of Privateering, and has been since a group of "adventurers" (pirates) and businessmen (same) petitioned for the Creation of the East India Company around 1600. This would duck responsibility for human life by offshoring it and shucking it off to yet another International Company.

I believe that Trump is going to try to establish an "American East India Company" to privatize our Efforts in the middle east ala Blackwater and Erik Prince's other freebooting efforts.


His ego and that of his senior staff won't let him just pull out and fight the child support from our rape of those countries in the courts. Simply pulling out would seem spineless whether it is or not. Staying will continue to cost us billions. So...

Anyway, that is my hypothesis. I think Erik Prince thinks that he can do a better job than the Military, in the core missions of leaving:

“deny terror sanctuary in Afghanistan so we can leave. The basic elements to that are strengthening Afghan units at the battalion level, which is really where the rubber meets the road, provide them some air support so they get medevac, and resupply and close air support,” [Breitbart]

Air America, East India Company, other Drug Smugglers

And Erik Prince thinks he can be the Air America of Asia. And if past is prologue he probably can, by smuggling drugs, covertly aiding allies, buying enemies and supporting local ruthless caudillos. The GOP has a lot of experience with this kind of war. Oliver North went to jail for that in the 80s. Some of our covert wars have been declassified. Erik wants to privatize Special Ops.

“To help them with some governance matters, some of those battalions need resupply – their food and fuel, pay and parts – that it comes on time,” [Breitbart]

No politician is going to admit that they are planning to fund eternal warfare with blood money from mineral extraction (like Blood Diamonds), oil or Heroin (Afghanistan is a major Opium Producer). But that seems to be where Prince and Trump are going. Though they will never say so! That is where the East India Company went. They were able to subvert the entire Country of China by smuggling opium from Burma to China, mostly through the port of Hong Kong. The British fought two wars ("The Opium Wars") to keep that smuggling going. They brought down the Manchu Dynasty with drugs.

He added.

“That’s it – not the nation-building strategy still being pursued at very high cost by the Pentagon.” [Breitbart]

MacArthur or Robert Clive?

In his Wall Street Journal article Prince compares himself to MacArthur. MacArthur was an ego-maniac, who was fired in Korea for violating the President's orders to not turn the war into a World War with China. I'm a little alarmed that he compares himself with MacArthur. I suspect his real model is Robert Clive. He's a Pirate. Trump is a Pirate. Private War is what Pirates do. Especially if they can get a letter of marquee and loot all legal like! I suppose Trump also wants to privatize our diplomacy, as the only way we get out of there is with diplomacy and he is busy dismantling the department of State.

The Atlantic Article
MacArthur Model for Afghanistan
Erik Prince on Afghanistan [Breitbart]
Privatization is a tool of Privateering

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