Beyond What We can See
- Out in the darkness, beyond what we can see,
- There is a place in our imagination, where all can be free.
- But we live in A world, where the dark is out of sight,
- Just on the other side of a wall, that we fear, called the night.
- Out there in the darkness, where I know you are,
- As distant from me now as a faint vanishing star.
- That is where only my imagination can go.
- Even though I know that it is just my aching soul.
- Maybe where you are, all is clarity and light.
- Or maybe you sleep a dreamless dream in eternal night.
- All I know for sure, is that one day I'll join you there.
- In a place deep in the earth, where I won't have to care.
- Meanwhile, I'm here, with other strange survivors.
- Dwindling in numbers, huddling against the cold.
- We sail in a vessel that is leaking and is sinking.
- Comforted by memories of when our fine ship sailed the seas.
- We might be a fine wine, we might be just the lees,
- But we are temporary survivors of this process called growing old.
- Christopher H. Holte, written 8/16/2015
Today is my wife's yartzeit 19th Elul