Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Kali Marching

Burning Burning Churning Churning
Fires rise into the night
Smoke and Flame, Dust and soot spreading
Rising into the sky!
I saw a vision of Kali Marching!
Marching crowds, possessed by Kali!
You see people marching.
They grow Six Arms!
You may see wild people
I see emanations of Kali!
Kali Marching
They marched out of their houses.
They marched out into the night.
They marched into the Streets.
They attacked everything in their way.
Gleefully marching, torch, sword, knife and gun.
Marching in Unison, molotov cocktails,
demonic smiles seemingly so much fun!
They burned local stores.
Threw things through the windows.
They broke glass with furniture.
Broke furniture and set it on fire.
I see Kali carrying those television sets!
Lighting those fires! Carrying boxes of liquor!
Kali gleefully smashing store fronts
Kali possessing police and beating people with night sticks.
Kali shooting people who are standing in the way.
With my third eye I see their wild eyes.
Kali Marching! the Kaliyurga here!
Burning Civilization
They burned their own houses!
I watched the cathedrals burn!
They trashed monasteries and libraries
Put books in the fire! I watched them go up in flames!
Kali Marching in the streets, Kali destroying civilization!
They stole liquor, Beer and Tobacco.
Went grocery shopping in the chaos.
They stole TV sets and radios.
They burned down their own neighbors.
Their fury had no other outlet.
The National Guard surrounded them
And set them free to destroy their own homes.
Chaotic, unfocused anger, burning throughout the night.
Burning out with their own homes.
They call themselves Christians
Kali has been marching for centuries.
Call it reformation, call it what you will.
Priests called on the people to carry out their hate.
Killing heretics, Jews, Saracens, children.
When commoners get too enthusiastic,
Kill the peasants for being too revolting!
Martin Luther threw inkpots at the devil.
But Kali possessed him too.
Kali gleefully emanating as Pope and Emperor,
Tinker, Tailor or King!
The Kaliyurga is marching across the land.
Poems in this series:
Predicting 9/11 -- Kali Marching
Kali Marching in Palestine

This is a series of poems started in the 1970s by me. As I find old poems in the series I add.

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