Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Why I haven't declared for a Presidential Candidate

No Triangulation Zone

I love Bernie's plank. I love his effort on behalf of himself. I love Hillary. I love Hillary's effort on behalf of herself. I loathe our current primary process. I loathe that we don't have a movement pushing candidates across the board and that we still have folks who think we can dump both the Democratic party and the Republican party for a third party without ruinous consequences. I loathe that from my local party on to the top of the ticket, candidates can't afford to run for office unless they (or their volunteers) spend all their time raising money. It's nothing personal, it's just the corrupt habits of our country. What we are used to. We are like pigs who live in a stye. We got used to the smell. That's all.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Privateering through Banks and the EuroZone

I've talked about the Greek-Eurozone conflict and how it represents the bait and switch reality of privateering using the Euro and it's for profit private bank in some past posts in posts titled "The Privateers give a broadside to the Greeks" and Going Greek on the Whole World, and Yanis Varoufakis and the Importance of Saving Europe (the last of these talks about what might have been).

Of course, I wasn't the only one who was deeply disturbed by the buccaneering behavior of the central banks and the oligarchic multinational banks from before 2008 to just now.

In the book:

"Austerity, Greece’s Debt Crisis, and the Death of Democracy: A Book about Greece and Much More" by Joseph M Firestone [Kindle books]

Democrats and Organizing

Dear Ms. Schultz (@DWStweets):

The GOP does things very differently from the way we do, but they do some things right. One of the things they do right is to organize the grass roots with training and administrative support. Chris Carr sent me a fundraiser letter (he thinks I'm going to send him money -- ha ha) in which he crowed about their organizing:

The grassroots is fired up. Here's what's going on in the field:
  • More than 2,000 individuals have applied to be a part of our Republican Leadership Initiative (RLI).
  • We are training and deploying field organizers throughout the entire country.
  • Our field program is expected to expand to thousands of paid staff across the country.

Note, what he calls "Grassroots" are totally astroturfed, not volunteers, because he's not targeting unpaid volunteers like we Democrats have to live with. He has an almost military organization of paid organizers. Something we can't maintain because we rely on organizations like Planned Parenthood and Acorn, that wind up being vulnerable to attacks on the volunteers, for being paid, or for having a life if they aren't being paid. A lot of what our party does should be supporting democratic institutions not a One Party style initiative -- but the point is that the leadership training and money support needs to be present for Democratic organizers too. So naturally he's:

"excited to share this update with you. I hope you're pumped up too."

I am pumped up. I want to defeat his army of astroturfed professional con artists at the polls.

To do that we need more than money raising. We need Democratic forums, communications outreach, list serve administrators, primary candidate recruitment and support; and alternative media. And these need to be replicated to every village, town or city equivalent in the country; and to every county.

Yours Truly, and I hope you are paying attention to Chris Carr too.

He's coming from

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Henry George would have been for Social Security!

Beyond What We can See

Out in the darkness, beyond what we can see,
There is a place in our imagination, where all can be free.
But we live in A world, where the dark is out of sight,
Just on the other side of a wall, that we fear, called the night.
Out there in the darkness, where I know you are,
As distant from me now as a faint vanishing star.
That is where only my imagination can go.
Even though I know that it is just my aching soul.
Maybe where you are, all is clarity and light.
Or maybe you sleep a dreamless dream in eternal night.
All I know for sure, is that one day I'll join you there.
In a place deep in the earth, where I won't have to care.
Meanwhile, I'm here, with other strange survivors.
Dwindling in numbers, huddling against the cold.
We sail in a vessel that is leaking and is sinking.
Comforted by memories of when our fine ship sailed the seas.
We might be a fine wine, we might be just the lees,
But we are temporary survivors of this process called growing old.
Christopher H. Holte, written 8/16/2015

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Yogurt and YaÜ

Always on the Search for good eats. I found this little yogurt Creamery:

It's caramelized!

The Georgist Constitution

Rick DiMare Dug this up in his studies of Georgism and Henry George's writings. It was called the Georgist Constitution. He writes:

"The following Georgist platform was adopted on September 3, 1890 in Coopers Union, New York, on the final day of a 3-day convention, the first national convention in Georgist history, and only a few months before Henry George had a stroke that would cause him to withdraw from the movement (though he kept writing important works until he died in 1897)."
"The event was remarkable, as hundreds of delegates attended from nearly every state in the union. It was after this convention that Georgism entered a new phase, one that sought federal and international recognition. This month (August 2015) the movement’s 115th annual convention was held in Detroit."