Friday, July 8, 2016

Render Unto Caesar what is Caesar's

Ultimately all taxes come out of exchange and production mediated by exchange of tokens. Income comes from receiving those tokens. Taxes and rents compete for the same pool of surplus value because people charge rents on the properties they control, in the form of those same tokens. If they have surplus tokens they rent the tokens to others and that is a form of rent on money we give the name "interest." Government, rentiers, businessmen and bankers all compete for those tokens called "money." It either comes out of folks surplus income (like shearing a sheep in the springtime) or it is hacked out of their "arms and legs."

We call it Money but you can't eat money.

We call those tokens "money." At one time the wealthy required them to be of Gold or Silver, and people fought over them. Ships set sail out of Europe hunting Gold or silver. Indeed the indigenous were so impressed by the "gold hungry" behavior of European Explorers here in the Americas that they sometimes punished particularly ruthless and greedy "explorers" ("Conquistadors) by feeding them molten Gold. You can't eat Gold. But Gold tokens, money, can be exchanged for a lot of things, rented to others, or paid out to pay taxes or debt.

Money doesn't have to be Gold or Silver. The powerful Roman Empire made money of Bronze, and as long as the Roman Empire controlled it's markets and economy, that money was remarkably valuable. The Roman Empire's bust was usually on that money. And when Jesus reportedly said "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" and "unto what is God what is God's" he was making both an exegetical point referring to Mosaic law about donations to the Temple and a political economic statement. The money belongs to the Government. Not God. Not the Temple. Not the Church. Or the money changers. It's got the Emperor's face on it. In modern times it usually has some more abstract image, but the point hasn't changed. Fiat Money is rightly issued by and comes from the Government. Bitcoin sounds kewl. But I don't trust privateering money and I think it's a scam. Bitcoin as something the treasury controls is fine.

Jesus was fine with folks taking their money to make donations to the Temple. He also was fine with folks recognizing we are interdependent and that the tokens we call "money" come from functional government.

Privateers and Bankers

When money originates privately or falls into private hands that is private money. Private money is usually less secure than that produced by Governments. But when private persons become Government they are either privateers or once it becomes official, nobility. Private money is governed by private individuals and gangs. When it is governed unjustly (for private separate advantage) then the private governance is simply privateering. J.P. Morgan and other famous bankers from the 19th century were quite proud of their relationship to the "Sea Dogs" and conquistadors of past generations. Modern Privateering is perfectly legal and they can wear Armani Suits and not need peg legs or eye patches.

Usurpation of a Public Good by Privateers

Private money rapidly becomes the usurpation of a public good by private individuals, when it is not regulated or taxed. When folks have surplus tokens or commodities that can serve as money, they tend to loan them out and live on the charges for renting them or the properties they buy with them. When they do that money becomes the property of the "money men" and they essentially become the legislature, executive and judges of those tokens; again privateers. They become private government, for private separate gain and the artificial scarcity of tokens hurts those not in the privateers clubs. The term is "rent seeking" and the privilege of living on rents is one that is granted by governments through corrupt courts and legislatures - or simply an artifact of being the first to arrive at a formerly vacant or recently conquered property.

If people can't get their tokens without paying massive rents, then some people an live on the unearned tokens they possess. While others finding out they increasingly don't own anything. In the past common folks would wind up enslaved when those controlling the tokens found they could control the availability of the commodities everyone else needed to survive. The bible recounts how Joseph was able to enslave both Egyptians and his brother Hebrews by controlling access to surplus food.

The Tokens belong to the Community

Thus there is real value to those tokens. When valued properly they provide a universal markup or accounting for the relative value of things people need. Of course, if there were no material goods and services to exchange then taxes come out of hoarded goods or compelled labor -- or those constituting the government would starve along with consumers and producers both. The whole apparatus of government can exist only by creating and allocating surplus goods, and that is dependent on creating and regulating money tokens. The good here is that marking up value in terms of tokens and notches on a stick lets people delay gratification and makes communications, exchange and availability of necessities more efficient and possible. Money as "unit of account" for measuring value becomes something useful or allocating resources. Markets aren't possible without uniform weights and measures. And essentially money can and usually does perform a function where markets would not be possible without those tokens in some form.

Taxes necessary for Regulating Commerce/Society

Taxes are necessary to regulate privatized (privateering) money, keep it in circulation encourage valuable spending (investment) and recapture superfluous or waste tokens. It also is needed to provide tokens governors can spend to do their governing business and provide public services to their constituents. The enemy of a prosperous and well governed realm therefore, is excess privateering money. Governments must be able to prevent or mitigate the power of money to make money and monopolize its possession and to bind surpluses to the wasted purposes of a self selecting elite. Surplus money has to be taxed and redistributed or it undermines the functionality of the societies that depend on markets and exchange of tokens to survive.

Taxes, rents and financial charges all come from those tokens and the same pool of production. Let that wealth be wasted by being monopolized and it will be misallocated. Since those tokens are almost entirely fiat money ultimately all the income of any country comes from Government mints and notes printed by banks ostensibly backed by those mints. The wealth of a country has to belong to all the people, not just a sliver elite of super-wealthy.

Income taxes are paid out of surplus tokens. The term for the surplus is either profits or "net income" depending on whether one is parsing business behavior or referring to a family. Taxes should be paid out of net income. And a fair tax system would not be taxing wage compensation at a higher rate than it taxes net income from rents or sales. The government needs to recapture its surplus tokens and control the money supply. The wealthy want to BE the government. So they invent all sorts of fancy sounding sophisticated arguments. But that is the reality.

We need income taxes to recapture tokens not needed for production or for individuals to pursue happiness. Without taxing surplus tokens, the happiness of the few becomes a yoke on the happiness of the many. Those who control surplus money use it to generate (consciously or unconsciously) private separate advantage, inequity, inequality and to arrogate and usurp powers that ought to belong to the people.

This is a meditation and I'll probably rewrite it later.

To Luke Skywalker

Beware the dark side of the force my son.
The magic of the Fairies is subtle and deep.
Their Sithi lords walk quietly among us.
And whisper hatred in our sleep.
You have to step out into the light.
And win the eternal, inward fight.
And shine out thy moral authority for all to keep.
To defeat the dark side that walks within.
For alongside love walks fear and sin.
And every berserker makes an insane choice.
For beside the better lights whispering in one ear
is always another sinister whispering voice.
There is power in hate.
Power to destroy.
Power to display, power to deploy.
But it is power that feeds on life
it cannot last.
And hate echoes hate.
Feeding on hurt.
Feeding on the past.
But it can bring only one kind of peace.
the peace of unburied unquiet bodies.
Christopher H. Holte 7/8/2016

Saturday, July 2, 2016

A Fishy Benediction

May you only catch edible things,
and nothing hunt you that thinks you are too.
May the mosquitoes find you taste bad,
but the fish love all your baits.
May the water be peaceful, deep and full of life.
May your tackle box be full, and your tools sharp as a knife.
May your old friends be rested and tell soothing tales.
May you not run out of water, snacks and ales.
May the time pass slowly and you enjoy the stars on high.
May you hear birds sing and animal calls.
and hear the wind sing in the trees.
May the sun smile on you and your companions too.
May the fish you catch be as big as you describe.
and may you leave the place as beautiful as you find it.
May you "leave no traces" except nature's smile.
Christopher Hartly Holte

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Fear and the Trumpster

The Republicans depend on negative emotions to mobilize their base and win over other voters. That is not new. It's been a feature of American Politics since the 50s. Donald Trump lives on fear. And he's scaring people all over the world. Even the new Prime Minister of Canada had to comment on Donald Trump today. Praise him or attack him, the Trumpster wins from the fear. This is good for the GOP. The more afraid voters are the more "stupid" switches turn on and we are likely to make "BREXIT" scale idiotic decisions. We can beat them if we don't let fear beat us and listen to FDR.

FDR said it. "The only thing we need to fear, is fear itself:"

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Difference between a Prophet or a Leader and a Critic

Yes Bernie Globalization is Failing the 99%

Yes our current structures protect "private, separate advantage" regimes of trade, monetary policy and legal protections that protect the rights and privileges of a select few. Really more a .1% than a one percent. They are engineered to protect neo-colonial features. Those features turn most of the world into either drive-by neo-colonies or fly-over neo-colonies. And yes, they are tyranny and oppression.

He's right. It is tyranny. Of a very special kind. One we engineered, first as step children of the European Colonial adventure, and then as the dominant power in the world.

Yes Bernie, WE Need to Wake up

So here's the thing: At one time those features benefited this country.

Yes, that degraded a long time ago. Employers, seeking low wages and playing off governors against governors, north against south, and then country against country; headed south in the 70s and then kept traveling south and East and West til former enemies were competing for jobs we once performed at home and former friends, offended, have been wondering WTH is going on. Globalization mostly has meant offshoring since the 80s began. We can talk about NAFTA, CAFTA, etc... but these are symptoms of a trade regime negotiated for big industry, the wealthy and a tiny pool of very wealthy trade lawyers. And it is a three fingered thing. But does Bernie Sanders mention any of this? No, He's a politician not a prophet or an analyst.

And that is why we need Hillary

Monday, June 27, 2016

Humpty Trumpety

Humpty Trumpety sat on his wall.
He had the other eggs all in a thrall.
All the Kings Horses and all the Kings men,
Couldn't get to him for fear of stepping on them.
But then all the eggs got hot and began to crack.
And along came the local cats, to have a nice snack.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

It takes a Party, it takes a Movement

Watching Leadership take a Leadership Role; House Sit ins and William J Barber

Bernie Sanders obliquely called us Democrats "political cowards" in his latest broadside at the party. He wrote this even as he ran from the Senate End of the capital to the House End to try to steal some thunder from John Lewis and his Civil Disobedience on the House Floor. John Lewis, one of the courageous democrats that he and his surrogates were accusing of "political cowardice" only hours before, had the moral courage to actually work with others and stage a sit in. What Lewis is doing is a little more consequential than a filibuster. The term for it is Civil Disobedience. There are consequences for Civil Disobedience beyond the need to eat or use the Potty. As my hero Doctor William J. Barber explains, talking about the Moral Monday's Movement:

[Rule #3] "A moral movement draws power not from its ability to overwhelm opposition but from its willingness to suffer. The Second Reconstruction brought large-scale nonviolent direct action to America through the Montgomery bus boycott. A Third Reconstruction depends upon escalating noncooperation in order to demonstrate our capacity to sacrifice for a better future." [Third Reconstruction]