Tuesday, March 17, 2015

What is One Voice, Who is Tom Cotton? And what game are they playing?

Tom Cotton, Best Congressmen Money can buy?

When I was writing my post on the Logan Amendment and the 47 Traitors Post last week I came on a number of interesting facts which seemed irrelevant when I wrote the post, so I put the info at the bottom of the post. Later I found out that they were incredibly related to Cottons vote, because:

Updating 3/16/2015. It turns out that Tom Cotton got $960,250 in supportive campaign advertising in the last month of his Senate Campaign (November 2014) (See more at: http://mondoweiss.net/2015/03/israel-fingerprints-republican)

That also meant that the chart I stuck at the bottom of that post belongs right here:

Open Secrets Top 5 Donors 2013-2014 + last Minute
Contributor Total Indivs PACs
Club for Growth $507,174 $507,174 $0
Elliott Management $143,100 $143,100 $0
Stephens Group $105,550 $95,550 $10,000
Senate Conservatives Fund $97,427 $92,427 $5,000
Goldman Sachs $50,549 $40,549 $10,000
Emergency Committee for Israel (ECI)$960,250
When we talk about Elliott Management we are really talking about Paul Singer.
Mondoweiss: [http://mondoweiss.net/2015/03/israel-fingerprints-republican]

Ironically as with the program that included "Project for a New American Century" and that hinged on agitation for an excuse to invade Iraq, the money boys aren't just funding one side of the equation. These Three American Families Are Funding Half Of Netanyahu’s Re-Election Bid [http://www.buzzfeed.com/sheerafrenkel/meet-the-american-families-bankrolling-netanyahus#.unMr6Jy10W]

“More than 90% of the Israeli prime minister’s campaign money comes from the United States, according to records published by Israel’s State Comptroller Office.” ... “Why get money from Israel when you can get it from the U.S.?” [http://www.buzzfeed.com/sheerafrenkel/meet-the-american-families-bankrolling-netanyahus#.unMr6Jy10W]

Here's the table:

NameAmount per GiftTotal
4 members of the vastly wealthy Falic family$11,500$46,000
Book family of New Jersey$11,000$44,000
Schottenstein family$10,000$40,000

Of course nobody is buying Netanyahu. At least not with election donations. By comparison with a million dollars His whole campaign (estimate $260K) is a drop in the bucket. But when we accuse Israelis of funding our elections. We need to realize we are talking about our own citizens who feel passionately about Israel and want to defend it against enemies, perceived or real. And these are people not much different from Irish who funded both sides of the Northern Ireland conflict, or who funded and fought in the various wars in Europe when countries like Yugoslavia broke up.

So it's not surprising that there are cross ocean ties. What worries me aren't the Falics or Books, but the Kristols and other folks we don't see, whose interest is in defense and arms.

Crazy Congress Versus One Voice.

And of course congress reacts to this obvious influence on Tom Cotton -- by investigating Obama:

"According to the source, the US State Department apparently handed taxpayer-funded grants, worth $350,000, to the OneVoice Movement." [http://rt.com/news/241237-obama-netanyahu-senate-israel/]

Now one voice is a peace movement that involves both Israelis and Palestinians. It has every right to seek grants from the State Department to do whatever the grant asks them to do. So of course this is going to be "GrantGate" or "OneVoiceGate" and maybe One Voice will be the ACORN of 2015. Oye Vey.

Indeed it's not a secret!

"In 2013, the U.S. Government awarded OneVoice Israel (OVI) and OneVoice Palestine (OVP) two parallel grants to launched innovative, multi-platform initiatives to combine our grassroots network with a dynamic media campaign to build public support and accountability for the current negotiations." [http://www.onevoicemovement.org/programs/view/political-outreach]

So there were grants to One Voice. And One Voice is fighting for peace and a two state solution. And Netanyahu has renounced his former commitment to a Two State solution. Oh well.

OneVoice allegedly forwarded the money to its subsidiary in Israel called Victory 15 (V15), which is committed to ousting Netanyahu due to the PM being an obstacle to the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, brokered by the US." [http://rt.com/news/241237-obama-netanyahu-senate-israel/]

Now it's possible that Obama is behind this but more than likely One Voice got it's contract as part of our general peace initiative and not as some sort of subversion of Netanyahu. Considering how blatantly subversive and seditionist the Teabaggers in Congress and the media have been, and how Netanyahu has been in his face in his opposition to any kind of peace with anyone in the middle east, it would serve them right. But Congress is getting it backwards. One Voice is doing the United States Business by enabling peace efforts. Netanyahu was here trying to interfere in US diplomacy.

"OneVoice is an international grassroots movement that amplifies the voice of mainstream Israelis and Palestinians, empowering them to propel their elected representatives toward the two-state solution. The Movement works to forge consensus for conflict resolution and build a human infrastructure capable of mobilizing the people toward a negotiated, comprehensive, and permanent agreement between Israel and Palestine that ends the occupation, ensures security and peace for both sides, and solves all final-status issues in accordance with international law and previous bilateral agreements. The 1967 borders form the basis for the establishment of an independent, viable Palestinian state, with permanent borders and any modifications to be agreed upon by both parties. The Movement recognizes that violence by either side will never be a means to end the conflict." [http://www.onevoicemovement.org/]

Now it wouldn't surprise me if the State department was somehow funding One Voice to go after Netanyahu. But they really don't need to. The funds needed are modest, and they get a lot of donations from around the world. [see http://www.onevoicemovement.org/partners] The State Department grant was seed money 2 years ago.

Personally I think their paranoia is funny but seditious and subversive. And if it is on the money then Obama deserves some respect for a level of strategic thinking I hadn't thought he had.

Sadly Netanyahu is in a deadlock with Herzog. So it's likely he's going to cobble together a hard right coalition. He's likely to bother the United States for a long time. And he'll likely still be bothering the United States when Obama is in his retirement.

Further reading


Why these negotiations are important:
Senate Authority
Tom Cotton:
Eli Clifton: http://www.lobelog.com/exclusive-emergency-committee-for-israel-spends-big-on-rep-tom-cotton/
Open Secrets Article on him [https://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?cid=N00033363]
Iraqis intercept supplies headed to ISIL

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